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Zavallia has been known since the 16th century. The name of the village is connected with its location near the ancient rampart. According to the tax register of 1565, the town of Zavalya in the Podil Voivodeship belonged to the nobleman Yazlovetsky, and at that time it already had a church. In addition, the karst caves "Malyshka-Kiyanka" and "Atlantida" are located on the territory of the village, which is one of the most impressive caves in Europe.

The village of Rykhta, founded in 1596, is also located on the way to Zavall. In the 15th century The Volochsky route passed by Rykhta, along which the Tatars made their way to Podillia. The village was owned by numerous tycoons, including the Liantskoronskis. The remains of the Rykhtiv fortress, an old mill of the 19th century, an ancient stone arch bridge and the premises of the former dispensary, which used to be a manor house, have been preserved on the territory of the village.

After crossing into Zavalli Zbruch, you can get to the village of Panivtsi, where the only active church of St. Jacob in Podilla is located. Panivtsi is famous for its history, first of all, thanks to the battle of October 20-23, 1633, in which the Polish crown hetman Stanisław Koniecpolski defeated the Turkish army under the leadership of Mehmed Abaz Pasha. Panivetsky Castle, built around 1590 by Kamianets chief Jan Potocki, was also located here. Today you can see only the ruins and remains of the castle.

On the way back to Kamianets-Podilskyi or to Khotyn lies the picturesque village of Zhvanets, which, in addition to incredible views from the shores and bridges over the Dniester and Zhvanchyk rivers, also has the remains of a castle, a fortress and a historic church.

GPS Coordinates
26,5 км
Pharmacy village Slobidka Rykhtivska, str. Gagarin
Get a mark
HSC "Atlantida", v. Zavallya, +380 96 355 12 55, Andriy
What to see
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Where to eat
Church of St. Apostle Jacob in the village of Panivtsi

The temple was built in 1852-1853 and is an architectural monument of local importance. In 1961, the church was closed by the Soviet authorities, and already in 1989, the church was reopened for religious services as a member of the Russian Orthodox Church. In 1991, the parish and church returned to the UGCC.

Atlantis cave

Karst cave, a geological monument of nature, is considered the second most beautiful cave in Europe. The cave was discovered in the early 60s of the last century during the extraction of gypsum in a quarry. So far, about seven and a half kilometers of underground labyrinths have been explored in the cave, where about ten types of crystals are found. They are all different shapes and colors, like flowers, stars, icicles, and some are unique, growing only in Atlantis. In addition, the cave is home to seven species of bats that are listed in the Red Book.

Remains of the castle in Richta

Currently, the monument in the village is almost completely lost. Accretion. The castle was built in 1507 by the Liantskoron nobles, as evidenced by an inscription on a stone tablet found during the later restoration of one of the castle buildings. In the period from 1848 to 1868, Rykhteki Castle was the center of the literary life of Podil Poles, because the lord of Rykhta, Mr. Golovynskyi, and then his son-in-law, Mr. Podvysotskyi, were great admirers of literature, science, and art. The castle was destroyed and rebuilt several times, and now only the towers with the remains of defensive walls and the better-preserved late, northern tower remain from the castle.

The old mill in the village of Rykhta

Three-story abandoned mill of the 19th century on the Zhvanchyk River. In the 20th century, it was almost the most powerful flour mill enterprise in the region, where grain was transported from all nearby regions and flour was produced for the West. Inside the mill there were different types and sizes of millstones for different grinding. The remains of various millstones for pomou can still be found on the approaches to the mill. 

HSK "Atlantida"
v. Zavalya, +380 96 355 12 55, Andriy, reservations by appointment
Hotel "Dniester"
v. Zhvanets, +380 67 381 4788
HSK "Atlantida"
+380 96 355 12 55, Andriy, reservations by appointment
Cafe "Varenychna"
с. Жванець, вул. Центральна