Recommendations for travelers

The Camino Podolico route is 255 km long. It can be completed within 12-14 days.

In order to get the most pleasure from it and see all the attractions that are on the route, you should follow these rules:

  • Do not overload yourself. The route is designed for a comfortable 18-21 kilometers daily for pedestrians and a maximum of 40-50 kilometers for cyclists. If the night is still far away and you have no strength left, you can take a bus. It will not be a betrayal.
  • Take care of shoes and appropriate clothing. We recommend wearing special trekking sneakers and sandals instead. The first shoes for walking on the ground, the last - for asphalt. Just remember: never wear sandals barefoot! This can lead to calluses on the feet and deviation from the route.
  • Make stops for 10-15 minutes every hour. Try to spend a little most of the day mileage early in the morning, and the rest of the way - after lunch. If you go in the summer, so as not to lose strength in the heat, we advise you to leave at 6 am and leave before 11:00. Then a break until 16:00 and continuation of the route until 19: 00-20: 00. At other times of the year - as it will be more convenient for you.
  • Take care of shoes and appropriate clothing. We recommend wearing special trekking sneakers and sandals instead. The first shoes for walking on the ground, the last - for asphalt. Just remember: never wear sandals barefoot! This can lead to calluses on the feet and deviation from the route.
  • Always have water with you and drink often, to avoid dehydration. Do not forget to protect your head from the heat with a hat, and the skin from the sun - special creams.
  • Don't take unnecessary things — it will save you energy. It is better to spend the night in the places determined by the route and to book accommodation in advance.
  • Remember the official documents of the pilgrim. Passport and the first stamp can be obtained at the beginning of the journey - in the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Angels in Vinnytsia or in the Bar Public Library in Bar. Look for the following marks on the pages of this guide.
  • Before going on the route, you should see all the available information on the official Camino Podolico Facebook page: The information can be supplemented and improved, so you should follow all possible updates.
  • Before you start your trip, don't forget to book your accommodation in the places mentioned in the guide or take a tent with you. The route is just beginning its development, so the number of places to spend the night is limited.
